What birds can I expect to see?

Our birding tours in the Puerto López area offer you the opportunity to observe hundreds of different bird species. There are more than 300 different species locally registered in eBird alone. Many of these birds are endemic while others are migratory. The chart below provides information on different bird species that you can expect to see on our tours and at what time of year they are active. If there are specific birds that you’d like to add to your list of observed species, contact us and we’ll give you the best advice possible on where and when those birds can be encountered. We have also been birding in other parts of Ecuador: for example Mindo, Galapagos, Vallé Intag, Amazonia and the far south of Ecuador.

We recommend that you review eBird or Merlin for more information about the species that can be seen in this area.

Common NameScientific NameEndemic Best Time to Observe
Pale-browed TinamouPale-browed TinamouCrypturellus transfasciatusTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Ecuadorian Ground DoveEcuadorian Ground DoveColumbina buckleyiTumbesian eco-regionAll year
Red-masked ParakeetRed-masked ParakeetPsittacara erythrogenysTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Long-billed Hermit     Long-billed HermitPhaethornis longirostrisTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Esmeralda WoodstarEsmeralda WoodstarChaetocercus berlepschiTumbesian eco-regionNovember to April
Amazilia HummingbirdAmazilia HummingbirdAmazilia amaziliaTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Pacific ParroletPacific ParrotletForpus coelestisTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Pale-legged HorneroPale-legged HorneroFurnarius leucopusTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Necklaced SpinetailNecklaced SpinetailSynallaxis stictothoraxTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Collared AntshrikeCollared AntshrikeThamnophilus bernardiTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Baird's FlycatcherBaird’s FlycatcherMyiodynastes bairdiiTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Mouse Gray FlycatcherMouse Gray FlycatcherMyiophobus crypterythrusTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Elegant CrescentchestElegant CrescentchestMelanopareia elegansTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Fulvous -faced Scrub TyrantFulvous -faced Scrub TyrantEuscartmus fulvicepTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Sooty-crowned FlycatcherSooty-crowned FlycatcherMyiarchus phaeocephalusTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Gray and white TyrannuletGray and white TyrannuletPseudelaenia leucospodiaTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Tumbes TyrannuletTumbes TyrannuletNesotriccus tumbezanaTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Tropical PeweeTropical PeweeContopus cinereusTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Snowy-throated KingbirdSnowy-throated KingbirdTyrannus niveigularisTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Ochraceous AttilaOchraceous AttilaAttila torridusTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Superciliated WrenSuperciliated WrenCantorchilus superciliarisTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Speckle-breasted WrenSpeckle-breasted WrenPheugopedius sclateriTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Fasciated WrenFasciated WrenCampylorhynchus fasciatusTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Ecuadorian ThrushEcuadorian ThrushTurdus maculirostrisTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Gray-and-gold WarblerGray-and-gold WarblerMyiothlypis fraseriTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Parrot-billed SeedeaterParrot-billed SeedeaterSporophila peruvianaTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Crimson-breasted FinchCrimson-breasted FinchRhodospingus cruentusTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Saffron SiskinSaffron SiskinSpinus siemiradzkiiTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Scrub BlackbirdScrub BlackbirdDives warczewicziTumbesian eco-regionAll Year
Guayaquil WoodpeckerGuayaquil WoodpeckerCampephilus gayaquilensisTumbesian eco-regionAll Year